Chemistry is Everywhere | Why study Chemistry | The study of Chemistry - Chemosmart


Chemistry is everywhere

What is Chemistry?

              All of you know the sentence about the Chemistry that is - Chemistry is everywhere and with chemistry we can go anywhere. This sentence is depends on spending my longer career opportunity as a chemist who worked in over a many different chemistry faculties. While physics can be viewed as the overarching science which described much of the universe, chemistry is the strongest applied science that creates our modern world function. Actually, if whole of the products prepared from chemistry suddenly disappeared, the world as we know it would come to a painful halt/stop millions would die. How can that be? Well, an most important area of chemistry is materials science and that containing plastics and different insulating polymers. What happens to electricity and electronics if there are no insulators? All stop. So, without chemistry, lights go out, vehicles die and electronics shuts down. And no batteries as they are chemical. Not even a backup generator would function. This would be a world depicted in the old  movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, only it would not start up the next day or the next week.

               Chemistry is at just the right “size” to hug and  aspects everything. It’s all about atoms and molecules that become building blocks to Creating anything and everything. Even nano-technology is mostly chemistry in disguise. Chemists added nano-carbon particles to vehicle tires nearly 100 years ago to double their time of life. Much earlier, pre-chemists added gold to glass to produce it red due to nanoparticle formation. In fact chemistry operates at well below nano-scale and we have asked, what’s the big deal about Nanotech?

Molecular biology

                  We're a phenomenal chemical factory and we're wondering running 10’s of thousands of reactions every and each second. As you read this sentence you are using brain chemistry to sense and remember. The brain is not an electronic device although it uses electrical current. Most of the most important stuff is totally about chemistry and neural transmitters. Even our DNA is an beautiful and extraordinarily complex chemical molecule that codes information using chemistry in the famous AGCT amino acid coding. Yes, that means the our body  uses chemistry to grow, function, reproduce and think.

                    Of all the sciences, chemistry is the most helpful and prevalent. And it netting better with other sciences especially biology. Biochemistry is an important branch of Chemistry that plays a important role in medicine. And as we strive to learn more about the mind and body, and how to help mankind, chemistry plays an every rising role because we know that life is all about chemistry. Even happiness may rely on good chemistry in your brain. Many faculties are really chemistry under a different name. Molecular biology, for example, studies biology at the chemical level using very sophisticated chemistry. Over the past few decades, medical breakthroughs have been substantially based on chemistry. When gene defects are uncovered, it’s the molecule that’s defective and that’s all about chemistry. A mutation, essential to evolution, is chemistry rolling the dice.

                Chemistry works in necessarily each and every field even outer space. Atoms and molecules, of course, send signals through space using a big or greater part of the electromagnetic spectrum. While earlier astronomy aimed on just the elements and their spectral lines from stars, modern innovation or study also contain organic molecules.  There are organic molecules in space and exoplanet research seeks to search the organic content. That means a chemist can even work on outer space questions. And when it comes to the earth’s environment, a big part deals with chemical reactions.

                     Back on earth and inside the body, we study chemistry to ascertain health by blood chemistry that has become the most necessary metric of health. While there is a biological compounds, most of the test results are straight forward meaurements of ions and molecules. But pathogens also run on chemistry so it is the chemist in a pharmaceutical laboratory that may be helping fight these bad guys. Speaking of bad guys, the chemist also uses track and convict the big bad guys using forensics. Fictitionsl detective Sherlock Holmes was a great amature chemist who even developed a new blood detection test. And also chemistry is quite old but very well accepted.

                  In short, chemistry will help our future by allowing you to readily obtain a high-paying job in just about any field concluding medical, electronics and space. And while chemistry is an old and repeated  field in terms of its tools, breakthroughs occur continuously so that the chemist continues to play a important role in academia. Many other fields of study also needed chemistry as a prerequisite. And a last application is that you will understand so much more about things around you and that adds to the richness of life. When an artist friend suggested that chemists knew nothing about art, I pointed out that I knew everything about the chemistry of the pigments in the paint and that made even a bad painting interesting. So, enjoy the chemistry within and outside and at the frontiers of space. Yes, chemistry is everywhere.

Can we live without chemistry?


               The solution is that-  'Yes'  we can  live without Chemistry that means we don't die if we don't know how to integrate to solve kinetics problem, learn concepts of chemistry etc. Things continue to exist even if you don't know about it.

But if you are asking is if one removes all concepts of chemistry how it will affect us?

Here are some of the things that will happen:-

  • The dangerous and harmful radiation from Sun will damaging life as there will be no ozone to protect we from Ultraviolet light.
  • If we control to survive somehow, you will not be able to see as For seeing, transformation between cis and trans forms of retinal is needed.
  • DNA is cabable to code for life because of interactions, Hydrogen-Bonds which stems from chemical nature of the bases (A,T,G and C).
  • There will be no food as photosynthesis will not happen and body will cieased the function as there will be no ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

YES! Living without chemistry is literally very difficult and hard.

How can we use chemistry in our day to day lives?

                 Chemistry is a large part of our each and  everyday life. We searched chemistry in daily life in the foods we eat, the air you breathe, cleaning chemicals, our emotions and literally each and every object we can see or touch. Some common chemistry may be obvious, but others might surprise you. Everything is the product of chemistry. In morning we use toothpaste which is chemistry product. And at night when we go to bed we burn a coil which also works as chemical to keep mosquito far from us.

  • The emotions that you feel are a result of chemical messengers, primarily neurotransmitters. Love, jealousy, envy and infatuation all share a basis in chemistry.
  • Sunscreen uses chemistry containing zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or avobenzone to filter or block the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays to protect you from a sunburn, skin cancer, or both. That means cosmetics is also part of the chemistry.
  • Foods we eat have to do with chemistry. They consist of organic compounds like carbohydrates--starch and sugar, protein, and lipids. Other nutrients like vitamins and minerals and water are all important chemical compounds.
  • Biomolecules

  • When you eat foods, hydrolysis or digestion occurs in the alimentary canal. This is a series of chemical reactions using enzymes, to change complex chemicals in food to end products that can be absorbed by the body's cells.
  • The caffeine in the coffee and tea we drink affects our mood and keeps us awake. These are all chemical reactions in the body. Fermentation, another chemical reaction produces whiskey and wine, cheese and bread.
  • Chemistry in wine industry

  • Cooking is a chemical change that alters food to make it more palatable, kill dangerous microorganisms, and make it more digestible. The heat of cooking may denature proteins, promote chemical reactions between ingredients, carmelize sugars, etc.
  • Soaps and detergents act as emulsifiers to surround dirt and grime so it can be washed away from clothing, dishes, and our bodies.
  • Chemistry in soap & detergents

  • Drugs work because of chemistry. The chemical compounds may fit into the binding site for natural chemicals in our body (e.g., block pain receptors) or may attack chemicals found in pathogens, but not human cells (e.g., antibiotics).