Chemistry In Everyday life - Chemosmart

                  Chemistry : In our daily life. 

              We know that, the chemistry is used in our daily human life in many ways. In simple way, we say that Chemistry is half part of the human being. chemitry is used in foods, in many industries, in air, in our emotions, in cleaning chemicals etc. 

               The first chemical reaction that took place in the early days of evolution was of combustion. This was due to accidental discovery of fire. 

             Food, cloths, and shelter are the basic needs of human being and are fulfilled only with the help of science-Chemistry. 

              The chemical reaction that is involved in photosynthesis can be written as, 

Co2 + H2O = food + O2

               However it is not yet been possible to synthesize FOOD in the laboratory from carbon dioxide and water.  

              The preliminary materials required for Cloths are produced in nature by a cotton plant by the same chemical reaction that produces food. 

 Co2 + H2O = cotton + O2

             Animal originated fibres like wool, silk,fur etc. are synthesized by bodies of certain animals or insects. Man made like rayon, nylon Terylene etc. are results of chemical reactions.  

                 All the building materials used, like lime, sand,cement, steel etc. are chemical ingredients. When sand, gravel, cement and water are mixed, forms concrete that on proper curing, specific reactions occur and the mixture acquires hardness. Thus chemical reactions among these reactants are important for Shelter. 

               Now a days, Chemistry is a highly developed, most important and a vast branch of science. It is a branch of Science that studies Composition properties and the changes that a matter undergoes.  

               Chemistry is an experimental science. Experiments in chemistry involves observation and collection of data, both qualitative and quantitative.

                 The collection of qualitative data demands measurement of one or more physical quantitative like mass, length, volume, temperature, pressure etc. 

                   The measurement of any physical quantity involves comparison of its magnitude or size with a standard of the same kind. 


            It is impossible to live without chemistry. In simple words, Chemistry is life.