How do you prepare 0.01 M NaOH in 1 Litre ? - Chemosmart

What is NaOH?

         NaOH is called as Sodium hydroxide, which is highly caustic and reactive. It is generally used as strong base in chemical reactions. NaOH is made up of one cation and one anion. It means NaOH is ionic compound contains cation (Ca+) and anion (OH-). 

            It is soluble in aqueous solution and produces strong basic solution. And this solution is with pH 14. NaOH is usually used for making soaps, detergents, paper etc. 

What is Molarity?

           It is the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 litre of solution. Now, we need 0.01M solution of NaOH then we want 0.01 moles of NaOH in 1 litre of solution.

We know that, molar mass of NaOH is 40.0g/mol. So, now calculate what amount of NaOH is required to prepare 0.01 M solution.

Mass of NaOH=

 molarity × volume × molar mass........(1)

Put all the value in equation (1), we get

Mass of NaOH =

 (0.01Mol/L) × (1 L) × (40.0g/mol) => 0.4 g

Hence, we need 0.4g of NaOH to prepare1 litre of 0.01 M NaOH solution.

How do you prepare 0.01M NaOH solution in 1 litre?

  To prepare 0.01M solution of NaOH you will need to follow below steps:

1. Take a clean and dry container or volumetric flask and add 700- 800 ml distilled water in it.  

 2.  Take 0.4 g of sodium hydroxide using balance and slowly add this NaOH to the water. Stir continuously.

3. Once, the sodium hydroxide is completely dissolved, then add distilled water to 1 litre mark on volumetric flask, while swirling normally, until the bottom. of meniscus aligns with the mark on the flask (1000ml Or 1 L).

4. Now, mark the container with proper name of solution with molarity and date. 

Here, our solution is ready for chemical reactions or processes.

Precautions that should be taken during preparing 0.01 Molar NaOH solution:

1. Always wear apron and goggles.

2. Always add NaOH to water, because reaction between water and NaOH is exothermic that can cause the solution to boil and splatter which is very harmful.

3. For stirring the solution use glass rod or magnetic stir bar. Don't use plastic/ metal rod.

4. For handling NaOH wear protective apparatus like gloves, lab coat etc.

5. NaOH handled carefully because it can reacts with acids, metals, and other organic compounds.