How do I prepare 0.1 N of Sulphuric acid? - Chemosmart

How do I prepare 0.1 N of Sulphuric acid?

             Here, In this article, we will discuss about -How do I prepare 0 1 N of the Sulphuric acid? So, let's starts with the introduction of Sulphuric acid. 

What is Sulphuric acid?

        All of you very well know about Sulphuric acid. It is very corrosive and dangerous acid which can causes many burns and tissue spoils due to contact with the eyes, skin etc. Sulphuric acid is a very strong acid which reacts with other substances. It should be handled very carefully. For handling conc. H2SO4 wear the protective equipment, such as goggles, lab coat, gloves etc. 

Chemicals used for prepare 0.1N Sulphuric acid are given below:

• Concentrated Sulphuric acid (98%).
• Distilled water.


Steps for prepare 0.1N of Sulphuric acid:

1. For preparing 0.1N sulphuric acid we need to prepare 1000 ml or 1L of 0.1 N solution.

Here, we use the formula :
N1V1 = N2V2 ;

Where, N1 is normality of conc. sulphuric acid ( Here 98%).

V1 is the volume of the conc. sulphuric acid.

N2 is the desired normality.

V2 is the final volume of the solution i.e. 1000ml.

Putting the values in N1V1 = N2V2, we get
98% × V1 = 0.1N × 1000 ml

V1 = (0.1N × 1000 ml) / (98%)
V1 = 10.2 ml

That means we need 10.2 ml of conc. sulphuric acid (98%).

2. Now, add calculated conc. H2SO4 to a volumetric flask about 800 - 850 KO of distilled water.

3. Stir the flask normally to mix the water and acid very well.

4. Now, add more distilled water to bring the final volume to 1 L or 1000 ml.

5. Stir total solution very well. 

           Now, our 0.1 N Sulphuric acid solution is ready for use.

Precautions that should be taken during preparing Sulphuric acid solution:

 • Wear gloves, goggles and lab coat.

• Remember one thing, always add the acid to the water slowly while stirring continuously
to prevent sulphuric acid from splashing.

• Always use volumetric flask  to accurate measurements and dilutions.

• Use the distilled water because tap water contains impurities that affects on accuracy of the solution.