What are Bio-molecules? How are they useful in day to day life? - Chemosmart

                     The study of organic chemistry has dealt mainly with rather with small molecules containing as many 50 to 75 atoms. But there also exist molecules, which contain hundreds of thousands of atoms, they are called macromolecules. They study of biology at the molecular level is called Biochemistry. 

                    Biochemistry is the branch of science which is concerned with the chemical reactions associated with biological process. It is now defined as the chemistry of living organisms, both plants and animals. It is concerned with the chemistry of macromolecules found in and associated with living system. 

What are Bio-molecules?

What are Bio-molecules? 

             Molecules of organic compounds which build up the living system and are required for their growth and maintenance are called bio-molecules. 

              These macromolecules are - Carbohydrates, Proteins, lipids (oils and fats), nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones. Biochemistry interprets all biological phenomena, such as - movement, growth, metabolism, reproduction etc; which are characteristics features of all living organisms in terms of different chemical transformations. 

Biochemistry branch

Roles of Biochemistry in the day to day life :

               The different areas where biochemistry has made it's impact include-

1) Revealing the secrets of biochemical process:

           Biochemical studies have helped in studying- a) Catabolic and anabolic reactions taking place in a cell. b) The enzyme systems which catalyze biochemical reactions. c) How sense organs work i.e. how we taste, see, smell, hear etc. d) Reproduction systems e) How are genetic characters inherited and why mutations take place; how life has evolved from most simple forms to the existing complex forms? 

2) Agriculture:

              Biochemistry has a tremendous impact on increasing the agricultural products. We have been able to produce new varieties of food grains, fruits, vegetables and by choosing appropriate growth conditions to increase the crop yield. 
            Food is one of the basic needs of life and has been very effectively taken care of by biochemistry. 

3) Nutrition:

            Biochemical studies help us to choose proper nutrients required for life- the ingredients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins etc.  A balanced diet can be prepared to help proper growth and work efficiently. 

4) Health:

              It is another area which depends on the knowledge of various diseases, deficiencies which cause diseases is based on biochemistry. Various medicines, drugs used for combating diseases could be prepared only if biochemical basis is known. 

5) Industries:

                  Advances in biochemistry and technologies when put together we get 'Biotechnologies' and they can be used in various industries- e.g. Fermentation, tissue culture, seri-culture, food industries, etc. 

6) Genetic Engineering:

Genetic engineering

                        Biochemistry have revealed some of important aspects of inheritance of genetic characters. 

                 The knowledge of which could be used to develop new varieties of crops, to eliminate unwanted deformation in the body systems, reproduction outside the body (i.e. test tube baby), artificial production of hormones, etc. are the most challenging developments and in the years to come they would have tremendous impact not only on the human civilization but on all the living and non-living systems in the universe. 

7) Population Control:

                    Growth of population is one of the serious problem today. In the last few years the average life of an individual has increased considerably. However, in underdeveloped and developing countries growth of population is very high and if all basic needs of life - food, clothing, shelter have to be provided properly, population control is a must. 
              Biochemical studies have provided us many ways of birth control, with the help of which population growth can be controlled. 

8) Environmental balance:

                In order to provide the necessities of life and secure more wealth and happiness, man is depleting natural resources in the environmental conditions, which have threatened very serious challenge to the existanace of life itself. 
          Deforestation, extensive, urbanization, industrialization, use of pesticides and insecticides in Agriculture have lead to pollution of land, water and air. 

             Biochemistry helps in deciding natural and biochemical solutions to overcome these problems. Use of natural fertilizers, green houses, growing certain algae and fungi to remove water pollutants, use of non-conventional energy sources such as biogas etc. have helped to maintain balance and equilibrium in different environmental conditions. 

Importance of biochemistry in life:

1) Biochemistry has important insights and practical application in medicine, agriculture, health, nutrition, industries, genetic engineering, environment balance and population control. 

2) Animal biochemistry is significantly developed by assistance of investigation of the chemical processes of plants and micro-organisms and vice-versa. 

3) Plant biochemistry is applied to increase in agricultural products. i.e. new varieties of vegetables, food grains, fruits etc. 

4) Medical biochemistry gives us the knowledge of diseases, deficiencies which cause diseases. It is also useful for preparations of various medicines, drugs. 

5) It has important aspects in genetic engineering, the knowledge of which can be used to develop new varieties of gene cloning, reproduction of the body, artificial organs etc. 

6) It also helps to overcome the problem of environmental balance. 

Modern Approaches of Biochemistry:

                Biochemistry is an important discipline in its own right. Several modern biochemical approaches take the advantages of technological advances to study intact system. 

1) The use of radio isotopes that allow biochemistry to observe metabolic transformation in the intact organism. 

2) The use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy that allow specific chemical reactions to be introduced in undisrupted cells. 

3) The transfer of micromolecules or even subcellular organelles from one organism to another. 

4) The recombinant DNA technology that allows genes to be moved from one location to the another in a chromosome. 

5) It provides new and important insights into human physiology, nutrition and medicine 

                The knowledge of biochemistry helps to identify different deformities in the body system and methods to overcome the specific deformity. 

For example -

1) The treatment of insulin for diabetic person. 

2) Use of tranquilizers to treat neurotic (easily excited) person. 

3) Preparation of 'Gene Bank'. It concerns with identifying role of gene. 

4) It will enable to synthesise substance like insulin at low cost. 

5) Correction of genetic diseases is also possible. 

6) It helps to produce varieties of plants that have disease resistance.