Heatstroke: Symptoms and Cause - Chemosmart

      Today, in this article, we will see about the main symptoms of heat stroke and treatment of heat stroke in simple words.

What is heat stroke? 

Heat stroke

          Heatstroke is the situation by our body overheating, mainly as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in Maximum temperatures. This much serious form of heat injury, heatstroke, can produce if our body temperature increases to 40 °C or higher than 40°C. Also, look at the symptoms of heat stroke and treatment of heat stroke in next point.

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

Symptoms of  Heat stroke

               Heartstroke shows the signs and symptoms are described below one by one-

High body temperature- 

           A core (the part of the human body shown between the pelvic floor and diaphragm, and its major work is to hold and protect our spine) body temperature of 40°C or higher than it, produced with a rectal thermometer, is the main sign of heatstroke.

Altered mental state or behavior-
          Confusion, Agitation, Slurred speech, Irritability, Delirium, Seizures, and Coma can all-over result from heatstroke.

Alteration in sweating-

           In heatstroke brought on by hot weather, our skin will experience warmer and dry to the touch. Even so, in heatstroke brought on by strenuous exercise, our skin may experience dry or lightly moist.

Nausea and vomiting-

           We may sense sick to our stomach or vomit.

Flushed skin-

           Our skin may becomes red as our body temperature rises.

Rapid breathing-

            Our breathing may becomes faster and shallow.

Racing heart rate-

            Our heartbeat may notably rises because heat stress places a tremendous burden on our heart to turn cool our body.

          Our head may pulsate.

Difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion

               Heat exhaustion is sort of like baby heat stroke. The key difference is mental status.

              If we discussion to the patient and they are a little giddy but otherwise, their brain is clear, it is possibly heat exhaustion. If they are perfectly not right in the head, it is a much more serious problem and they could have heat stroke.

 symptoms of heat exhaustion:

1) Raised pulse. 

2) Raised respirations. 

3) Normal Blood Pressure. 

4) Patient feels warm but not hot. 

5) Awake and aware, but tired, giddy, nauseous, etc.

6) Few times vomiting, headache, chills etc. 

Symptoms of Heat stroke:

Many altered mental situation or, as it progresses, unresponsiveness etc 

Lowered Blood Pressure.

Sweaty, flushed skin.


            Cause heat stroke is highly severe, the treatment is highly aggressive: put them in cool water, if probable. In the wasteland, we are really excited to security put our patients in a river or lake.

              All that stuff on TV about fanning them or putting a cold towel on their forehead is ridiculous. Few one with heat stroke required to be cooled instantly and dramatically.

Treatment of Heat stroke:

Heat stroke symptoms and Prevention

            Heartstroke treatment aims on cooling our body to a normal temperature to stop or lowering damage to our brain and very important organs. To do this, we may take these stages-

Immerse in cold water-

         A bath of cold or ice water has been proved to be the most effective way of quickly lowering your core body temperature. The quicker you can receive cold water immersion, the less risk of death and organ damage.

Use evaporation cooling techniques-
               If cold water immersion is unavailable, health care workers may try to lower your body temperature using an evaporation method. Cool water is misted on your body while warm air is fanned over you, causing the water to evaporate and cool your skin.

Pack you with ice and cooling blankets-

           Other technique is to packed you in a particular cooling blanket and use ice packs to your groin, neck, back and armpits to reduce your temperature.

Give you medications to stop your shivering-

           If treatments to reduce our body temperature make you shiver, your doctor may give you a muscle relaxer, such as a benzodiazepine. Shivering enhances your body temperature, producing treatment low efficient.

                Home treatment is not necessarily for heatstroke. If we have any symptoms of heatstroke, give emergency medical support. Others should take steps to cool you off while waiting for emergency help to arrive. Don't drink any fluids while waiting for medical assistance.

               If we remarks symptoms of heat-linked illness, reduce our body temperature and stop your situation from progressing to heatstroke. In a lower heat emergency, such as heat cramps or heat exhaustion, the below mentioned stages may reduce our body temperature:

            If we don't have A.C at house, go few place with air conditioning, such as the mall, movie theater or public library.

Cool off with damp sheets and a fan-

             If we are with few one who's feels heat-linked signs, cool the person by covering him or her with damp sheets or by spraying with cool water. Direct air onto the person with a fan.

Take a cool shower or bath-

                If we are outdoors and not close shelter, immersed in a cool pond or stream can support bring our temperature down.


           Drink plenty of fluids. Also, because we lose salt through sweating, we can replace salt and water with few sports drinks. If our doctor has restricted your fluid or salt intake, confirm with him or her to look how much we should drink and whether we should replenish salt.

Don't drink sugary or alcoholic beverages to rehydrate-

         These drinks may interfere with our body's capacity to manage our temperature. Also, very cold drinks can produce stomach cramps.

              So, if you have any types of symptoms of heat stroke then treatment of Heat stroke is also given in this article.