Triphala: What are its benefits and why you must have it daily | Top 12 benefits of Triphala churna - Chemosmart



Triphala Churna

                  If you have any problems in  digestion. Also if you have trouble evacuating your bowels first thing in the morning. Are you experiencing hair loss after a night's sleep? Are you tired of getting acne regularly? Are you suffering from cavities? Are you worried being over weight ?

            But don't worry about this many problems when we have many solutions in Ayurveda. Ayurveda has one solution for all of the above problems called as Triphala'.


                 When we discuss about Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal powder, Triphala is

 one herbal combination that is always mentioned due to its strong properties. The herbal concoction has been used in Ayurveda to treat several remedies for over 1,000 years. And now due to its potent health benefits, it has become increasingly popular surround the world. It can be consumed in powdered or supplements to treat several ailments ranging from stomach issues to

 dental cavities. Besides, it is also believed to promote longevity and improve overall health.

                Triphala is a herbal combination that is frequently used in Ayurveda due to its applicational properties. It may be used as a powder or as a supplement to cure different diseases, from gastrointestinal problems to dental cavities and also to enhance longevity and improve and maintaining general health. Puneet Aggarwal, Director & CEO, Nirogam shares the benefits of this wonder herb. So, in this article let's know about the Triphala Churna that is - What is Churna?  Triphala Churna Benefits etc.

What is Triphala?

What is Triphala Churna?

              Triphala is a polyherbal remedy made up of mainly two words that are "Tri" means "three" and "Phala" means "fruits". That means it is made up of three fruits namely Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and 


. As per the

 Ayurveda, Triphala churna maintains the three doshas of Vata, Kapha, and Pitta.

               If You will have energised, free of sicknesses, and capable to live an powerful and active life once your system is maintained. This is how the three plants that go into making Triphala churna help you.

  -  Amalaki which also called as Indian gooseberry, is a cooling fruit that aids in Pitta balance. It aids in the maintain of liver function and is highly rich in antioxidants.

- Bibhitaki is a fiery herb which used to balance Kapha. It aids in colon cleansing and respiratory system regulation.

- Haritaki's antimicrobial properties aid to maintain Vata and increasing your digestive tract.

How to consume 

Triphala Powder?

            Triphala is available in powder (churna), capsules and tablets, and liquid form. We can choose from any of these options, depending on which is more convenient for you. If we want to make use of Triphala as a mouthwash, skincare, or hair care product, you can use it in powder form. Whereas, if you don't like the taste of Triphala powder and want to use it internally to aid your digestion, you can consume it as a pill or capsule.

The health benefits of Triphala-

1) It helps Detoxifies your system: 

             Triphala powder helps in the removal of toxins from your intestines and improves digestion. Once the toxins in your body get flushed from your system, your food will digest more easily, you will feel more active, and will have plenty of energy throughout the day. It will help you shed excess weight and feel more invigorated once your colon gets cleansed.

2) It helps to Enhances Heart Health: 


           Triphala is useful in heart health and decrease harmful cholesterol levels in the body if you used on a regular basis. It decreases the risk of artery thickening in the heart owing to plaque maintaining and keeps the heart in good shape and size. This magical churna also decreases the risk of heart disease by lowering high blood pressure and also defense we from cardiac problems created by obesity or diabetes.

3) It helps to Improves Eye Health: 

Triphala Churna for healthy eyes

           Triphala have many application for the eyes and helps in avoiding diseases like cataract, impaired vision, and glaucoma. Eating Triphala on a regular basis also improves eyesight.

4) It helps to Boost Immunity: 

           Triphala is a rich source of  antioxidants and nutrients such as 

Vitamin C

, tannins, phenols, polyphenols, flavones, phytochemicals, and others and used to increase the body's 


. It have anti-inflammatory properties aid in the treatment of colds, cough common infections, allergies, and virus attacks, and increase the level of white blood cells, in our immunity.

5) It helps in Bowel Syndrome: 

               Under certain circumstances, Triphala may help in relieving the symptoms of 

irritable bowel syndrome

. If constipation is a primary symptom of IBS, we might try using Triphala churna as a remedy. It is always a better idea to look an Ayurvedic physician before using Triphala churna to treat your unique IBS symptoms.Triphala is not indicated if we have diarrhoea-predominant IBS.

6) It helps in Dental Issues and Cavaities: 

Triphala Churna for dental issues

              Being an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herb, Triphala used to  avoiding a variety of tooth issues. It can help to keep away from plaque, cavities, and gingivitis. Triphala mouthwash helps to prevent plaque and fungal infection.

                Triphala antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which may protect you from different dental problems. It may prevent plaque formation, cavities and gingivitis. As per clinical research, rinsing with Triphala mouthwash can prevent plaque and fungal infection. Its antioxidant properties can also heal mouth sores.

7) For Increases Hair Growth: 

Triphala Churna for hair loss

           Triphala  powder's antifungal and antibacterial properties are very better for increasing our hair health. 

Mix Triphala

 powder with coconut oil and apply it to the scalp and hair. After an hour, wash it off with a mild shampoo. Try this remedy twice a week for strong and shiny hair.

8) It may improve the skin quality-

Triphala Churna for skin care

              Triphala powder is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, that produce skin soft, smooth and hydrated. It helps in decreasing the wrinkles on the skin by keeping it well bound with collagen content. It rejuvenates the skin by decreasing bacteria that causes acne and pimples.

                  Apart from ingesting it, many people also apply Triphala on their skin. It is believed that its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help heal certain skin issues and protect skin cells. According to a study, applying Triphala paste on the skin can help to rebuild skin protein, retain moisture in the skin, increase collagen formation and help you recover from wounds fastly.

9) It may fight against cancer

Triphala Churna for Cancer

            In the laboratory research, this Ayurvedic mixture has also showed to be effective in curbing the growth of cancerous cells. The compound present in it can stop the growth of lymphoma, as well as stomach and pancreatic cancers in a test carried out on mice. Triphala contains powerful antioxidants such as gallic acid and polyphenols that are believed to help fight cancer.

10) It may reduce inflammation in the body-

                Triphala involves different antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body. It is fulfill with compounds like flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins and saponins which can help to fight oxidative stress produced by free radicals and keep away you from chronic diseases. Regular consumption of Triphala has shown to cut down the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, arthritis and premature ageing.

11) It reduces stress-

           Discussing About the mixture of the three herbal fruits could also be effective for our mental health. Many studies shows that taking Triphala can protect against stress and help our body to cope up with it. And other study revealed that the mixture can used to reverse some behavioural issues caused by stress.

12) It may be used as a natural laxative-

              Triphala has been used since ancient times for treating stomach related issues. It acts as a natural laxative and can improve the symptoms of constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence and improve the frequency and consistency of bowel movements.

Different ways to add Triphala to your diet-

          Triphala is present in many different forms. We can take the capsules, powder or liquid, depending on our choice. It is recommended to take this herbal medicine between meals on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. The recommended doses range from 500 mg to 1 gram per day. We can have this herbal in four different ways

Triphala powder with cold water:

             Add 1 tablespoon of Triphala powder to a glass of water and leave it overnight. Drink the concoction in the morning.

Triphala powder with honey, and cinnamon:

         Add a tablespoon of Triphala powder in a glass of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, add a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon honey to this mixture and drink it.

Triphala tablet

        Have one tablet with warm water at night before going to sleep.

Triphala tea: 

                 We can  also make Triphala tea by using Triphala powder. For manufacturing the tea, add a tablespoon of Triphala powder to a cup of hot water. Let the mixture steep for 10 minutes, then drink your hot beverages.

Side-effects of having Triphala

                 Triphala is a herbal medicine which is safe for consumption and rarely has any side-effects. But some people may experience some reaction after consuming it. Consuming excess Triphala can produce diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Even pregnant and breastfeeding women should be careful while consuming this herbal medicine. They should take a advice from their doctors first to keep away from any complications or problems. If we are taking blood-thinning medicine then away from this mixture as Indian gooseberry, one of the main substance of Triphala may rises the risk of bleeding and bruising.

       In essence, the application of Triphala are limitless. So involves this one-stop solution for a variety of health issues to your daily routine to reap the advantages with minimal effort!