Sign of Iron Deficiency: When Should You Take Action - Chemosmart

Minerals and Nutrients

            All of you know about the importance of the Nutrients and minerals for maintaining the healthy functions of the human body. 
Minerals are inorganic substances required in very small quantities. Sodium, Potassium and Chloride ions maintain osmotic balance of blood plasma. These are obtained from common salt, sea foods and leafy vegetables. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the development of bones, teeth, heart action, nerve action and the clotting of blood.

                 Pregnant women and children need more calcium. Sources of calcium are milk, eggs, fish and leafy vegetables. Iron is necessary for formation of haemoglobin. Lack of iron leads to Anaemia. Sources of iron are fish, liver, meat, totamtoes, cabbage, leafy vegetables etc. Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid glands. It's deficiency leads to a disease of the thyroid called goiter. The sources of iodine are iodized salt and sea foods. 

Iron deficiency:

Iron deficiency

                  Now, we are consider about the iron deficiency. Iron is a vital mineral which are used for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Deficiency of iron can lead Anaemia like diseases. For the purpose of good health to take iron is very important for our human body or health. Deficiency of iron can distrub the functions of the human body. As per World Health Organization, 42% of kids which are less  than 5 years and 40% of pregnant women are anaemic. 

            Iron is most important mineral which help to make haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein in RBC's which transfer the oxygen from the lungs to the various part of the human body. Iron also used for the production of Myoglobin. Myoglobin is also a protein which provides oxygen to muscles. Levels of the iron applicable for the boost the immune process. And we know that the immune system which ensures the all goodness of the body. Iron produces haemoglobin that in turn provides oxygen to damaged cells, organs and tissues which helps fight infectious diseases or the viral illnesses. 

            A person who have the deficiency of the iron may feel very weaknesses. Low iron content contains low Heamoglbin and hence small amount of oxygen reaches to our tissues and muscles and cells. Due to low iron content in the body, Heamoglbin and oxygen levels will be too low. The deprivation of oxygen level to the tissues or muscles can produce more oxygen which increases our breathing speed. That means our normal activities or workout may feel tiresome. When the body contains Low iron levels , the heart has to work extra hard to pump oxygen throughout the body. 

           Due to the irregular heartbeats there is increase the heart speed. When iron deficiency is produced then the oxygen flow to the human brain is low hence they cause the headache and Dizziness like problems. Due to the presence of high Heamoglbin in the blood cells shows red colour of the blood. When there is low Heamoglbin in the blood cells then the colour of the body is also turn to white. Or making skin lose its pinkish colour and warmth. The face, gums fingernails also becomes a pale. It shows that the our body is suffering from the anemia. And in this case take a advice from your doctor or visit to your doctor. 

              Our many body parts show the deficiency of the iron. Mouth and tongue also shows the signs of iron deficiency. If you have an inflamed, swollen tongue or mouth, chances are that means you lack sufficient iron in your body. Also dry mouth, a burning sensation, sore red cracks on the sides of our mouth and mouth ulcers. 

Signs of low iron

Iron deficiency symptoms:

              In short if you're low in iron, you may also:

• Have a fast heartbeat. 

• Feel short of breath. 

• Have cold hands and feet.

• A sore tounge.

• difficulty in swallowing.

• Hair loss. 

• sores at the corner of the mouth. 

Sources of iron:

Sources of Iron

        Iron is present in the form of heme and non-heme. Heme iron is present in the animal based food. Examples: meat, chicken and fish. Heme iron is the best source for the iron as our body can absorb 40% it easily. Non-heme iron is present in the plant based food like vegetables, fruits, grains etc. Pumpkin seeds, spinach, broccoli, almonds are the best sources of the iron. About 80-90% of our body daily iron intake is derived from non-heme foods. But as compared to the heme iron, this form of the iron is not absorbed by the body efficiently.